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How does the process for proposal changes begin?

A faculty member or chair may see a need to change or modify the curriculum in the
department. That person(s) is considered the initiator(s). The initiator will discuss
the changes in the departmental meeting and acquire minutes that approve the
proposed changes. Once approved by the department and chair, the initiator will
submit it to the college. Once approved in the college meeting and meetings are
acquired to support actions, the proposal is submitted to Academic Affairs.
Academic Affairs moves it forward to the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee for
review. (See Flowchart at homepage for the full approval route.)

Does the initiator need to submit minutes verifying the discussion of changes?

Yes, minutes must be attached to all proposals. The first step is the department;
therefore, the departmental minutes should be attached. The second step is the
college; therefore, the college minutes should be attached.

Where does the initiator send proposals for review after department and college approval?

After all necessary signatures on department and college levels, send proposals to
one of the following emails:

If there are questions, who shall be contacted?

Dr. Jennifer Young Wallace, Chair

Ms. Patricia Sheriff, Academic Affairs Specialist

Does the initiator need to have Curricular Action Form and Curricular Proposal Form for each proposal?

Yes. Initiators should have both forms for each proposal. If only one is submitted,
the proposal will be returned to initiator.

What does “Proposal Submitted” mean on the Curricular Action Form?

This means that you should state what is it you are trying to chance or implement.
For example, if you are removing a prerequisite (EDAD 788) from your curriculum,
you will state as such:

Remove prerequisite, EDAD 788, from the Higher Education curriculum.

NOTE: You do not give a rationale in this section. Provide rationales in the
space provided. A few complete sentences will suffice.

Why do initiators have to have signatures from deans outside of their unit?

If there is a course on your curriculum that you would like to add or archive and that course is in another college, you MUST get that dean’s signature. This is important because that college/department may offer that course to accommodate your students. If you are removing it, that college/department may not need to offer the course any longer or may need to reduce the number of sessions. Once a dean in another unit knows, he/she can act accordingly.

Why do initiators have to attach a curriculum sheet/degree plan to each proposal when all proposals are about the same degree in a submission?

You must attach a curriculum sheet and all other required documents to every proposal that is adding, archiving, modifying (i.e., removing or adding prerequisites) because there may be a different reviewer for each proposal. That reviewer will need to all documents to move the proposal forward.

When does the initiator attach an old and new curriculum to the proposal?

You will attach an old and new curriculum when you are adding, archiving, modifying anything on the curriculum. The old curriculum is documentation of what was included, and the new one shows what is being proposed. This is necessary for each proposal because they are stored as separate proposals.

Can initiators archive and add a course in the same proposal since one is removed to replace another?

No, you can only have ONE ACTION per proposal. You must have a Curricular Proposal Form and Action Form for each proposal. Your first proposal is that you are removing (archiving) a course from the curriculum. You must give rationale in appropriate section on the forms. Your second proposal is to replace it with an existing course. The proposal must be separate.

When does the initiator select “New Course” on the Curricular Proposal Form?

Check “New Course” when you have developed a new course with a new course number to be added to your curriculum, whether it is an elective or required course. With this proposal you must provide the new syllabus, old and new curriculum. If you are going to use this course as a requirement in another college or department, you must get the dean or chair’s signature based on what the need constitutes. (A Guide is provided on the homepage.)

What happens when the initiator submits the proposal(s)?

Once you submit your proposal, Academic Affairs stamps it and places it into the google files for the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee’s Chair and Vice-Chair to retrieve. The Vice-Chair (VC) is the chair of the Screening Committee. The VC retrieves the proposals and submits them to Screening Committee members for review. After reviews, the VC will send the initiator a letter informing them of any changes needed and/or next steps is recommended for approval from the Screening Committee. If needed, the initiator will resubmit changes to the VC, and then, the VC will request to the chair that it is added on the agenda. If no changes are needed, the initiator will receive information regarding the UGCC meeting. The agenda for the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UGCC) is comprised of proposals to be voted
on as recommended by the VC and the Screening Committee. The chair of the UGCC will give the final review and added items to the agenda.

Do initiators have to be present at the Undergraduate Curriculum meeting to defend my proposal?

Yes, all initiators must be present to defend any proposal. The UGCC members may ask clarifying questions before voting on the items.

What happens if the initiator is not present to defend the proposal(s)?

If the initiator is not present, the proposals will be tabled until the next meeting. The unit CANNOT implement any changes until the process is complete.

Can the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UGCC) approve my proposals?

The UGCC discusses the proposals on the agenda and votes on whether the proposal should be RECOMMENDED for approval by the Provost. Only the Provost approves proposals based on recommendations.

How soon can the unit implement the changes in the program?

Once you receive correspondence from the Registrar’s Office and/or Academic Affairs, you may begin implementation. Remember, the process must be completed and documented before you can proceed with changes.


Total Members:  22 (19 representatives from the colleges, library, university studies, and SGA, plus Immediate Past Chair, Chair, and Vice-Chair)

Terms:  1- year, 2-year, and 3-year

Members of the UGCC include the six officers and faculty members that are elected from each college, library, student body, and University Studies.  Each college—College of Business, College of Education and Human Development, College of Liberal Arts, College of Health Sciences, and College of Science, Engineering, and Technology—elects three members from its college to serve on the committee.  Undergraduate Studies and the Library elect one representative to serve.  The student body elects two student representatives from the Student Government Association.

The Screening Committee consists of faculty members that are selected based on the full UGCC committee’s recommendations.  One member is selected from each of the five colleges and two members are members-at-large that can be selected among the full UGCC Committee.  The student representatives may not serve on the Screening Committee.  The members of this subcommittee are selected each year. 

Undergraduate Curriculum Committee

The UGCC has six officers:  Chair, Vice-Chair, Immediate Past Chair, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, and Parliamentarian.  The term of the Chair and Vice-Chair is two years.  To maintain continuity, the Vice-Chair moves up to Chair and serves two years in the position.  The Chair moves to Immediate Past Chair and serves two years in that position. 

In the case any of the elected members to the UGCC is elected as Chair or Vice Chair from a college, library, or University Studies, special elections to fill those seats must be held.  The term is based on the officer’s initial election term.  For example, if a faculty member elected with a 2-year term from the College of Business serves on the UGCC and gets elected as Chair or Vice Chair, the 2-year term seat on the UGCC becomes open, and the College of Business will hold a special election or appoint a faculty representative to that seat on the UGCC for the remainder of the term.  The UGCC Chair will notify the college, library, or University Studies in regards to any special election. 

The Vice-Chair becomes Chair after a two-year term.  In the case that the Chair of the UGCC resigns before the two-year term is up, the Vice-Chair will assume the role as Chair during the remainder of the term and will assume his/her two-year term succession thereafter.

In the case that the Chair and Vice Chair resign in the same year, the UGCC will hold special elections for Chair and Vice-Chair.  As a result, seats in the college, Library, or University Studies of the newly elected Chair and Vice-Chair will be open.  (NOTE:  At all times, there must be three representatives from each College, one from Library and one from University Studies.  The Chair, Vice-Chair, and Immediate Past President are exempt from this count).

Officers & Responsibilities


The Chair presides over the full UGCC meeting, entertains and carries motions, and maintains the professional flow and atmosphere of the meeting.  The chair signs all proposals and curricular action forms and submits to the Office of Academic Affairs; contacts deans when a vacancy occurs or when members from specified colleges are not present; notifies members of all meetings; orients newly elected members; and serves as the representative of the committee in university meeting.  The chair can appoint members to any ad-hoc committees as needed.  The term of the Chair is two years. 


The Vice-Chair presides over the Screening Committee; ensures that proposal reviews are within the timelines; sets the agenda for screening proposals; assigns proposals to Screening Committee members for review; contacts initiators in regards to the proposals; provides information on changes needed for proposal and missing documents that should be attached to each proposal; assist initiators in accurately completing the proposals; presides over meetings in the absence of the chair.  The term of the Vice-Chair is two years.  The Vice-Chair moves to Chair after the two-year term expires as VC. 


The secretary records attendance at all UGCC meetings; records content of the meeting; provides written minutes for each monthly meeting to the members; and ensures that all information is accurately recorded.  The secretary is elected each year.

Assistant Secretary

The Assistant Secretary assumes the responsibility in the absence of the Secretary.  The Assistant Secretary is elected each year.


The Parliamentarian is responsible for order and proper procedures for conducting all meetings and for the interpretation of the Robert rules of order.  The Parliamentarian is elected each year.

Immediate Past Chair

The Immediate Past Chair serves as an experience support for the incoming chair, advises the committee, and informs the committed on practices.  He/she serves two years after serving as Chair of the UGCC.  The Immediate Past Chair can be elected to any positions on the UGCC once his/her term expires.


The UGCC committee meets the 4th Tuesday in September, October, November, February, March, and April. 

The Screening Committee meets the 1st Tuesday of September, October, November, February, March, and April if proposals need to be screened.

Time and location of meetings will be determined by the Chair of the UGCC.

A quorum is established when thirteen members are present.  The parliamentarian confirms the quorum.  In the absence of the parliamentarian, the person presiding over the meeting can confirm that a quorum is established.

Roles & Responsibilities

Department Level

  • Determine there is a need for change in the curriculum or course
  • Discuss changes with the department
  • Identify an initiator of the proposal(s)
  • Refer to the Guiding Principles for modifying curricula/courses.
  • Complete the Curricular Action Form and Proposal
  • Include all required documents with proposal
  • Ensure accuracy of all elements of the proposal
  • Get Department Chair’s signature
  • Get cross-referenced personnel signature if applicable
  • Forward to the College Curriculum Committee

College Level

  • Verify changes in the curriculum or course that are presented.
  • Review course descriptions for accuracy (refer to university’s catalog); if change is the description of course, ensure that the original description reflects the present catalog.
  • Review the impact of change on other departments within the college and university.
  • Identify linkage of change to the college mission and strategic plan.
  • Ensure that the syllabi are reflective of the college’s model.
  • Forward to Dean for final approval and signature.
  • Dean gives proposal(s) to the initiator.
  • Initiator scans all signed proposal(s) and electronically submits to Academic Affairs.
  • The initiator submits physical proposal(s) to Academic Affairs for review of the Screening Committee. See Timelines for review process.

Academic Affairs Specialist Level

  • Gather all proposals.
  • Submit electronic copies to the Chair and Vice-Chair of the UGCC.
  • Inform Chair and Vice Chair when original proposals are available.

Screening Committee Chair

Before Screening Meeting:

  • Create the agenda for the Screening Committee. (The agenda includes the action that is proposed by the initiator.)
  • Assign proposals to Screening Committee members. At least two members should review each proposal prior to the committee meeting.
  • Meet with all members of the Screening Committee to make recommendations for each item on the agenda, according to the timeline.

After Screening Meeting:

  • Send initiators an electronic correspondence of the committee’s recommendation.
  • Inform initiators of specific changes that they need to make prior to the full UGCC committee meeting.
  • Require initiators to send any missing document to Screening Committee Chair.
  • Provide initiators with deadlines for resubmission.
  • Inform initiators of instructions for presenting proposals to the full UGCC Committee.

Screening Committee Level

  • Review each curricula proposal and action form to ensure that all information is accurate and relevant to the description of the course/degree.
  • Ensure that syllabi are reflective of proposed outcomes of the curriculum and course.
  • Match course objectives and outcomes with descriptions of courses.
  • Ensure that all necessary documents are included with the proposal for future reference.
  • Specify changes that proposal initiators need to make to meet all requirements.
  • Make recommendations to the full UGCC committee in regards to each proposal.

University Committee Level

  • Ensure that all proposals meet the university requirements and adheres to policy, procedures and expectations of the university.
  • Recommend curriculum and course changes to the Provost.
  • Review proposal recommendations from the Screening Committee for quality assurance.
  • Maintain fairness and shared-governance in the decision-making process of the university’s undergraduate curricula.
  • Vote on each item for recommendation to Academic Affairs.

UGCC Chair

  • Sign all proposals recommended for approval.
  • Take all original copies of the proposals to the Academic Affairs Specialist.

Academic Affairs Specialist

  • Log all recommended proposals
  • Ensure that all documents are included for file purposes
  • Forward signed documents to the Provost


  • If approved, signed and forward to Registrar; send notification to the dean, initiator, UGCC Chair and Vice-Chair.
  • If rejected, send notification to the dean, initiator, UGCC Chair and Vice-Chair.


  • Reflect changes in the database.
  • Notify Academic Affairs when changes are reflected in the database.

Committee Members


Undergraduate Curriculum Committee


Name of Representatives(s)

Name of Alternates(s)

College of Business

Desiree Ferrell (Student Acct.)


College of Education and Human Development

Dr. Tierra Flowers(2023)

Dr. Gwendolyn Dawkins(2024)

Dr. William Brown (2023)


College of Liberal Arts

Dr. Etta Morgan

Dr. Shanna Smith

Dr. Ivan Elezovic

Dr. Cassie Turnipseed


College of Health Sciences

Dr. Trina Allen, Assistant Professor-2022-2023

Dr. Brian Anderson, Professor- 2022-2023

Dr. Yalanda Barner Assistant Professor 2021-2024

Dr. Whitney Perkins Coordinator CMD 2022-2023

Ms. Kaylin Winters (Student HCA)


College of Science, Engineering & Technology

Dr. Francis Tuluri

Dr. Moe Chowdhurry

Dr. Yonghua Yan

Dr. Shan Yang

Dr. Abdelnasser Eldek



Minutes & Agenda

Agenda For The UCC Meeting May 2021

Agenda For The UCC Meeting June 10, 2021

Meeting Minutes February 7, 2022

Meeting Minutes February 17, 2022

Meeting Minutes May 2, 2022

Meeting Minutes May 12, 2022

Meeting Minutes May 19, 2022

Meeting Minutes November 10, 2022

Meeting Minutes November 15, 2022

Meeting Minutes February 7, 2023

Workflow Process, Flowchart (Visual), Timeline

Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Workflow Process

Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Workflow Process Flowchart (Visual)

Timelines for Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Meetings (Fall)


Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Curricular Proposal Form Guide

Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Curricular Action Form Guide

Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Frequently Asked Questions 

Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Contact Information